Welcomes You
Professional Experience and Qualifications

Hello, my name is Jessica Sinclair and I work and live in Mount Gambier, SA, with my husband and children.
I have worked as a professional counsellor for multiple organisations since 2016, providing counselling support for children aged 3-12 years old, adolescents aged 13-17 years old and adults of all ages.
I have worked with children and adolescents since 2013 and began studying social work the same year.
I have a Master of Social Work degree and a Bachelor of Justice and Society degree from Flinders University.
I am a member of the Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW) membership number 503819.
I have all relevant screening checks, including a National Police Clearance, Working With Children Check, Working In Aged Care Check, Working With Vulnerable Persons Check and Working In Disability Check.